2026 Show Information will be posted closer to the show.

Important Forms

I-X Exhibitor Services Ordering Guide (drive-in passes, parking passes, air, water, drain, natural gas & cleaning)

Pet Agreement

Important Information for FOOD VENDORS and TRANSIENT VENDORS

Discount Ticket Order Form

Food Sampling Form

*If insurance is needed, please contact Kelsey Christopher at 440.591.6963 or KelseyC@mpeshows.com


For all your decorating and labor and tow motor needs, be on the lookout for a New Account Invitation for The Great Big Home + Garden Show from Fern OneView (tgreen@fernexpo.com)

You will receive instructions to log-in. Don't forget to check your spam!

Below is Fern's contact information for any questions or if you have questions about placing your order:

E-mail: tgreen@fernexpo.com

Phone: 614.649.0348


Click here to Order Electrical

For any questions, please contact Jack Jordan.

Email: jackjordan@edlen.com

P: 216.401.1957


If Wi-Fi is needed, please contact your exhibit sales consultant.

MPE Exhibit/Product Acceptability Standards For 2024 (USA)


As we enter a highly volatile political environment in advance of the 2024 General Election, Marketplace Events (MPE) wants to make clear its position on what content will not be permitted on its exhibit floors in all its US consumer home and holiday shows effective January 1, 2024. MPE shows are welcoming environments built solely to encourage face-to-face commerce.  Creating respectful, safe marketplaces where our attendees and exhibitors can come together to learn, shop, compare pricing and do business together is our highest priority.

MPE’s acceptability standards do not permit political candidates, parties or other groups promoting issues or ballot initiatives to participate as exhibitors. In addition, the display or sale of any products or services that are political/partisan in nature or that can be interpreted to promote, incite, or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual, or religious intolerance are prohibited.  MPE’s judgment in applying these standards will be final.

MPE maintains these policies to ensure a welcoming environment for all attendees and exhibitors.  


There have been a number of spam emails offering our attendee lists. These are scams and the senders are unauthorized to use the Marketplace Events’ name. These scammers are attempting to receive monies from exhibiting companies without providing anything in return. These emails are not approved by Marketplace Events, and Marketplace Events would never ask for bank information or other sensitive information over email.  

CLICK HERE for more information.


As per our privacy policy, Marketplace Events is a permission-based email sender. We do not share, rent, or sell any email lists. 


Beginning January 1, 2025, the daily parking rate for regular size vehicle will be $12.00 per day. For the 2025 season only, exhibitors may pre-order event parking permits at the $10.00 rate; all exhibitors who do not take advantage of this offer will be required to pay the $12.00 daily parking rate at the gates. *Cost of admission to The Great Big Home + Garden Show does not include parking. The Great Big Home + Garden Show benefits in no way from any parking fee collected by the I-X Center.


Drive-in passes are now single passes. No more one way and round trip passes. Every vehicle entering the building requires a pass for every entry. Passes are now QR codes to be scanned at the door when you pull up. You no longer need to keep track of small tickets to get in the door. If you do not wish to incur this additional cost, you may use 4-wheeled carts to transport your display to your booth.


Tuesday, January 27

8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

*Once in the building, exhibitors can work until 6:00 PM

Wednesday, January 28

8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

*Once in the building, exhibitors can work until 7:00 PM

Thursday, January 29

8:00 AM - Noon

*Once in the building, exhibitors can work until 8:00 PM

Friday, January 30

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

*NO DRIVE INS, hand carry or 2- or 4-wheel dolly only.


Friday, January 30

10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Saturday, January 31

10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Sunday, February 1

10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Monday, February 2 - Thursday, February 5

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Friday, February 6

10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Saturday, February 7

10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Sunday, February 8

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM



Sunday, February 8

5:05 PM - 10:00 PM *Vehicles cannot drive onto the show floor until carpeting is pulled up by Fern.

Monday, February 9

8:00 AM - 4:30 PM



Hampton Inn-North Olmsted-Cleveland Airport
24601 Country Club Blvd. North Olmsted, OH 44070
Reservations: 440.617.6306


Crowne Plaza Cleveland Airport
7230 Engle Rd. Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
Reservations: 1-877-227-6963 




Your basic listing will be uploaded to the website when you book your booth. Within 24 hours you will receive an automated email to enhance your listing. This link can be used multiple times and you can make updates and changes to your listing until ONE day after the show commences. If you have any questions regarding the online exhibitor listing or do not receive the link, please email JenK@mpeshows.com.

Need help with your listing? Read the FAQs.

Learn more about the benefits of creating your enhanced listing.
Go from basic to ENHANCED!

Introducing the QR Code!

A new way to accelerate leads generated onsite at the show. A floor decal with a unique QR Code will be placed in front of your booth.

hand holidng cell phone displaying QR code
Learn More...


Share your show pics or your home reno projects with us.

Facebook icon   Instagram icon

Hashtags: #GreatBigHomeGarden #GreatBigGardenShow

In efforts to protect potential joint customers from fraudulent events and scammers, we request that you do not create your own Facebook Event. This helps us manage ticket sales for the event, and ensures that our team are available to support both exhibitors and potential attendees with any questions, comments, or concerns that they have. Please feel free to reach out to your show manager or show marketing manager with your companies’ Facebook page and we can add you as a co-host to the official event.

Click Here to go to our Facebook Event for 2023.

Click Here for the Social Media Marketing Kit


Rosanna Hrabnicky, Group Manager
RosannaH@mpeshows.com  440.591.6974

Cathy Berthold, Senior Exhibit Sales Consultant
CathyB@mpeshows.com  440.591.6961

Rese Pardue, Senior Exhibit Sales Consultant
ReseP@mpeshows.com  440.591.6977

Kelsey Christopher, Operations Manager
KelseyC@mpeshows.com 440.591.6963